Users will soon be able to associate music with their Instagram profile


Meta is trying to make its platforms as complete as possible, in order to meet the interests of users. Therefore, there are rumors that say that, soon, Instagram will give users the opportunity to have a “Profile Song” associated with their profile.

Instagram has not yet officially confirmed the functionality.

According to rumors, Meta wants to bring a new feature to Instagram called “Profile Song”. Through this, users will be able to add their favorite songs to the profile of the social network. In a screenshot shared by Alessandro Paluzzi, a leaker who usually brings news, you can see the new “Profile Song” feature in the biography section.

and according to IGN, Instagram's functionality could be similar to what MySpace launched last year. That is, users can automatically play any song on their profile and those who visit it can peek at it to the music.

Although Instagram has not yet confirmed that the “Profile Song” will actually arrive on the platform, shares have led to believe that it will be a feature soon. In fact, in an email sent to Mashable, a spokesperson for the social network said that this is still an “internal prototype” and that it is not being tested externally.

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