France adopts free morning-after pill and more help for single mothers


In the last 48 hours, the French government approved the General State Budget and Social Security accounts for 2023. France will continue to live in the red, as it has for 40 years. But some planned measures are favorable to women.

For 2023, the French government projects a public deficit of 5% of GDP. Even so, most ministries will see an increase in funds: an additional €3.7 billion for Education, the same amount for the Labor portfolio and a further €3 billion for Defence, for example.

Regarding the specific Social Security budget, which covers expenses with the public health system, Social Security, social programs and work accidents, an area deeply impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic, the accounts will remain unbalanced, with a deficit of € 7, 2 billion in 2023, against €17.8 billion forecast in 2022.

Despite the country spending more than the wealth it produces in a year and therefore accumulating debts, the government will continue to invest in the public hospital system and in vaccination and disease prevention programs. France will continue to pay doctors, laboratory and imaging tests, medicines, dental treatment, prostheses, hearing aids, eyeglasses and hospitals practically free of charge, according to the salary level.

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