Apple tightens rules targeting encryption and NFTs in the App Store


Apple shared its rules regarding cryptocurrencies and NFTs, defining and clarifying what applications can do with technologies within the App Store. The amendments imply, for example, that any type of commercial service related to NFTs must use the company's payment mechanism.

According to NBC News, the new rules point out that while the apps can facilitate "transactions or transmissions of cryptocurrencies on an approved exchange," the app can only be offered in countries or regions that have a license and permission to operate those exchanges.

More than that, the guidelines say apps can allow users to browse collections of NFTs, even if they are owned by someone else, as long as the apps “do not include buttons, external links, or other calls to action that direct users.” customers to purchase mechanisms other than token purchase".

So all this means that any type of trading for NFTs must utilize Apple's in-app payment mechanism. So, while not banning NFTs, the Cupertino company imposes a major restriction on the type of service that involves the technology and that can be offered.

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